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Idea of the law banning advertisement of dietary supplements

Recently the Parliament was presented with a bill prohibiting advertising of dietary supplements. Evidence suggests that in a few months, the parliament will deice if advertising supplements will be prohibited in Poland. Although the bill was approved by some specialists, according to most, introducing this ban is a bad idea.

It’s worth noting what the supplement advertisement currently look like. Introduction of this prohibition would be understandable if the current regulations would not promise consumers complete safety. Under the current rules, supplement advertising cannot be misleading. This means that among other things, it is forbidden to assign medicinal properties and other activities that have not been confirmed by scientific studies to dietary supplements. Supplements advertisement should not, therefore, provide consumers with untrue information and convince them that dietary supplements are able to replace medicine. Products that can harm health are not advertised at all, as such are not allowed to be sold. The law, the draft of which recently went to the Parliament, is not beneficial for citizens because it means they have limited access to information about new supplements.

This opinion is shared by most of the experts, who spoke about the proposed legal changes. All that can be done now is waiting and hoping that the opinions of experts will convince MPs that the law banning advertising of dietary supplements should be rejected.

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  • Birmingham B5 6DY
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